Intimacy Coaching

Empowering women to take pleasure in their sacred feminine and to have the freedom to be true to themselves

My mission is to help women connect (or reconnect) with their sensuality, to embrace it, and live life more fully and authentically with their physical body. 

Have you ever noticed there are all kinds of “little pills” out there to help men in the bedroom? How their pleasure is valued? How women often have to juggle career, family and personal goals with little focus on the sensual side of life? How women’s enjoyment of physical intimacy is secondary to their fertility in most medical environments?

We have so much more to enjoy from life!

As a licensed acupuncturist, I often see people with difficult conditions- anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic pain…but in the privacy of the treatment room I kept hearing issues from my women patients that highlighted a huge gap in their wellness.  Was there an herb I could give them to help them enjoy their intimate relationships more fully? Could I help them with their libido? And the honest truth is, not really- not with just herbs and acupuncture. There are some that may help, but for us women our single biggest erotic organ is our brain-and there’s not a quick fix. 

We need to be in a space mentally, emotionally and physically aligned to fully enjoy our sensual side. Worse yet, when women miss out on their sensual and sexual side it’s not just a “bummer”- it has a real physiological impact on mental and physical health.  Failure to experience orgasms can reduce immune function, negatively impact cardiovascular health, exacerbate anxiety and depression, and more. As research continues, more findings will confirm that we can no longer ignore the importance of our sensual and sexual health. 

Intimacy Coaching is a unique approach to helping you connect with your sensual side, to discover hidden obstacles to living your life fully and breakthrough to finding your unbridled passion for life. As an Equine Gestaltist, I work with my horses to help you walk a path of self-discovery to help you fully and vibrantly embrace your life.